Just hours after 15-year-old Tariq Abu Khdeir left for Ben Gurion
International Airport to return home to Tampa, Florida, Israeli police
raided and ransacked the home of his family in the Shufat neighborhood
of occupied East Jerusalem. The police arrested Abu Khdeir’s uncle and
cousins without charges.
The Israeli motive appears to have been revenge for the family’s role
in publicizing CCTV footage of Abu Khdeir’s brutal beating at the hands
of Israeli police, and their public campaign to secure his return to
the US.
Abu Khdeir had been jailed without charges after being beaten inches
from his life during rioting in Shufat in protest of the murder of his
cousin, Muhammad Abu Khdeir, by Israeli nationalists seeking vengeance.
Footage of the beating was aired on news outlets around the world: