In a courageous and brilliant speech
to the United Nations General Assembly on September 27, 2014, Russian
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pierced the veil of obfuscation that
characterizes too many speeches at the United Nations, and delivered a
scathing denunciation of Western imperialism, imperialism that can only
be accurately described as global theft. Lavrov, on behalf of the
Russian Federation implicitly warned that US/NATO is risking global war
in embarking on its campaign to seize and dominate huge territories,
while inexorably and ruthlessly determined to conquer and subjugate
Russia, having learned nothing from the historic reality that Napolean’s
effort to dominate Russia led to the collapse of Napoleonic France, and
Hitler’s attempt to subjugate Russia led to the obliteration of his
Third Reich.
Perhaps this third attempt to conquer
and subjugate Russia may lead not only to war encompassing huge
territories of the globe, but, dialectically, may be the catalyst
leading to the ultimate decline of capitalism, an economic system which
thrives almost entirely on imperialism, and is undergoing a possibly
terminal crisis, as described by the French economist, Thomas Piketty in
his best-selling work “Capital in the 21 Century.” In desperation,
dysfunctional Western capitalism is lashing out recklessly and
irrationally, unwilling and unable to preclude the disastrous
consequences of its myopic policies. And one possible consequence of
current US/NATO policies is thermonuclear war.
Lavrov stated: “The U.S.-led Western alliance that portrays itself as a champion of democracy, rule of law and human rights within individual countries, acts from directly opposite positions in the international arena, rejecting the democratic principle of sovereign equality of states enshrined in the UN Charter and trying to decide for everyone what is good or evil.”
“Washington has openly declared its right to unilateral use of force anywhere to uphold its own interests. Military interference has become a norm – even despite the dismal outcome of all power operations that the U.S. has carried out over the recent years.”
“The sustainability of the international system has been severely shaken by NATO bombardment of Yugoslavia, intervention in Iraq, attack against Libya and the failure of operation in Afghanistan. Only due to intensive diplomatic efforts the aggression against Syria was prevented in 2013. There is an involuntary impression that the goal of various ‘color revolutions’ and other projects to change unsuitable regimes is to provoke chaos and instability.”
“Today Ukraine has fallen victim to such an arrogant policy. The situation there has revealed the remaining deep-rooted systemic flaws of the existing architecture in the Euro-Atlantic area. The West has embarked upon the course towards ‘vertical structuring of humanity’ tailored to its own hardly inoffensive standards. After they declared victory in the Cold War and the ‘end of history,’ the U.S. and EU have opted for expanding the geopolitical area under their control without taking into account the balance of legitimate interests of all peoples of Europe […] NATO enlargement to the East continued in spite of the promises to the contrary given earlier. The instant switch of NATO to hostile rhetoric and to the drawdown of its cooperation with Russia even to the detriment of the West’s own interests, and additional build up of military infrastructure at the Russian borders – made obvious the inability of the alliance to change the genetic code it embedded during the Cold War era.”
“The U.S. and EU supported the coup d’etat in Ukraine and reverted to outright justification of any acts by the self-proclaimed Kiev authorities that opted for suppression by force of the part of the Ukranian people that had rejected the attempts to impose the anti-constitutional way of life to the entire country and wanted to defend its rights to the native language, culture and history. It is precisely the aggressive assault on these rights that compelled the population of Crimea to take the destiny in its own hands and make a choice in favor of self-determination. This was an absolutely free choice no matter what was invented by those who are responsible in the first place for the internal conflict in Ukraine.”
“The attempts to distort the truth and to hide the facts behind blanket accusations have been undertaken at all stages of the Ukranian crisis. Nothing has been done to track down and prosecute those responsible for February bloody events at Maidan and massive loss of human lives in Odessa, Mariupol and other regions of Ukraine. The scale of appalling humanitarian disaster provoked by the acts of the Ukrainian army in the South-Eastern Ukraine has been deliberately understated. Recently, new horrible facts have been brought to light when mass graves were discovered in the suburbs of Donetsk. Despite UNSG Resolution 2166 a thorough and independent investigation of the circumstances of the loss of Malaysian airliner over the territory of Ukraine has been protracted. The culprits of all these crimes must be identified and brought to justice. Otherwise the national reconciliation in Ukraine can hardly be expected.”
more @ http://www.globalresearch.ca/pardon-us-for-our-countrys-existence-in-the-middle-of-your-military-bases-russian-foreign-minister-lavrovs-speech-at-the-un/5407937